These are his parents, Hannah and Nic Neufeld. Nic is 6 years older than me and we've had our differences, but we definitely love each other.
This is my little brother, Josh. Josh was born when I was almost nine, so we grew pretty close when he was little. Unfortunately, since he started school and realized that he was "waaaay cooler than [his] older sister" he's not exactly a huge fan of hanging out with me (peacefully).
This is Greg, my "twin". Greg and I only started to get close when Nic started dating Hannah and eventually moved away once they got married. As sad as it was to see my oldest brother move away, it was such a blessing getting to be so close with Greg.
These are only a small fraction of the people that attend my youth group. This picture was taken last year at our gift exchange after going tobogganing at Garbage Hill. These people are some of the funnest and funniest people that I know. They are "da bomb" so to speak.
This is a birthday dinner for my cousins, Bethany and Stacey (twins), as well as their dad, Johnny. This is my dad's side of the family, though not all of it. They are known as the "crazy side" of the family. Let's just say that I don't disagree with that statement.
This picture was taken almost 2 years ago. Abby (my dog) and I love each other to bits. Abby is seriously the most ridiculous creature ever. I got Abby when I was still living in Texas, I was a Freshman in high school. The night that I got Abby was kind of crazy. I found an ad on Craig's List for 8 week old puppy's, re-homing fee of $125.This all seemed pretty legit, and after months of begging my parents, I was given the go-ahead. After about an hour of driving, we finally arrived at the agreed meeting place, a hospital in Joshua, Texas. I had the first pick out of an entire liter of puppies. Choosing a puppy wasn't too hard, a certain one kept sucking on my finger and wouldn't surrender her spot to her siblings. She looked pretty adorable so, after a few more minutes of hard thinking, I chose this little black dog. As it turned out, this 8 week old puppy was actually only 4 weeks old and still needed to be fed milk. Lets just say that for the first few weeks, I had quite a few interrupted sleeps and I also mixed a lot of puppy formula.

This is Abby very recently after I got her(:
It's kind of hard to believe that these two pictures
are of the same dog, hey?
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